11.30 Welcome
11.35 Session 1: Running a pilot digital exams platform: the University of Bedfordshire experience so far
Michele Vermeulen, Head of Registry Services at University of Bedfordshire, will share her experiences of leading and managing a pilot for a digital exams platform.
It will be a great opportunities for the group to share their experiences of managing or being involved in similar projects, or just about leading a project like this across a university.
12.30 – 13.00 Break
13.00 Hot Topics: Your opportunity to share ideas and issues that are top of your agenda. It’s also an opportunity to consider some of the current topics on our JISC mail list.
14.00 Session 2: Academic Integrity: challenges, and approaches
Gareth Crossman, Head of Policy and Communications and Simon Bullock, Quality and Standards specialist, both from the QAA will deliver this session for us. They will look at sector-wide responses to academic integrity issues, including legislative approaches as well as practical steps institutions can take.
This will be a good opportunity for us to share our own experiences and practice.
15.00 UUK , QAA and GuildHE stakeholder session: This Group has surveyed the sector as part of their work ‘to understand what steps the sector has taken to protect degree standards and to inform work to improve the external examiner system’ It is now putting together its report and will organising a series of stakeholder groups in May 2022. Our group has been chosen as one of these stakeholder groups.
November 2022 meeting: Confirm date & venue
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