- PPG November 2020
Supporting PGRs and ourselves in the COVID-19 era
MORNING SESSION 10:00 – 12:40
1. Introduction and Chair’s report (inc. matters arising) [10 min]
2. PGR communities, engagement, and wellbeing in the COVID-19 era [90 min]Panel discussion and Q&A- Owen Gower (UKCGE; Panel Chair)
- Frances Long (University of York)
- Joanna Royle (University of Glasgow)
- Tom Rusbridge (University of East London)
[Break: 10 min]
3. Online vivas: here to stay? [50 min]Show & tell and group discussion- Diane Dickie (Glasgow Caledonian)
- Helen Jackson (University of the West of England)
- Cathie Raw (University of Huddersfield)
- Monica Winfield (University of Derby)
[Lunch break 12:40 – 13:30]AFTERNOON SESSION 13:30 – 15:30
4. Looking after ourselves – as individuals, team managers and people often expected to top up everyone else’s batteries! [90 min]Online presentation & facilitated discussion- Levi Pay, Director / Principal Consultant, Plinth House
- Julia Rea, Specialist Consultant and Trainer
5. Future meetings [5 min]
6. Any other business and meeting closure [10 min]
- Event: PPG November 2020
- Starts: 27 November 2020 - 10:00am
- Ends: 27 November 2020 - 3:30pm
- Venue: Online - link will be circulated to those who book a place
- open
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