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To assist the development of policy and practice in specialised areas of student administration ARC operates several Practitioner Groups. To find out more, please choose a group from the menu on the left.
Chair | Deputy | Secretary |
Admissions | ||
Kevin Rogers Solent University kevin.rogers@solent.ac.uk |
Marie-Noel Earley University of St Andrews registrar@st-andrews.ac.uk |
Richard Emborg Durham University richard.emborg@durham.ac.uk |
Assessments | ||
Rebecca Dipancrazio University of Portsmouth Rebecca.Dipancrazio@port.ac.uk |
Vacant info@arc.ac.uk |
Annie Sander Kingston University a.sander@kingston.ac.uk |
Postgraduate | ||
Rachel Birds University of Huddersfield r.j.birds@hud.ac.uk |
Henry Forsyth Liverpool John Moores University h.forsyth@ljmu.ac.uk |
Llinos Spargo University of South Wales llinos.spargo@southwales.ac.uk |
Quality Assurance | ||
Jacky Mack Bournemouth University jmack@bournemouth.ac.uk |
Adam Child University of Warwick Adam.Child@warwick.ac.uk |
Rosina Thompson Northumbria University rosina.thompson@northumbria.ac.uk |
Scotland and Northern Ireland | ||
Iona Beveridge University of Stirling academic.registrar@stir.ac.uk |
Suzanne Daly University of the West of Scotland suzanne.daly@uws.ac.uk |
Gillian Wishart Edinburgh Napier University g.wishart@napier.ac.uk |
SROC (Student Records) | ||
Chris Carpenter Loughborough University C.J.Carpenter@lboro.ac.uk |
Tom Moody Royal Veterinary College tmoody@rvc.ac.uk |
Gabby McLaren Student Records Practitioner Group Secretary (SROC) gabby@pointblankmusicschool.com |
Student Casework | ||
Anna Sendall University of Plymouth anna.sendall@plymouth.ac.uk |
Lisa Dawson University of Edinburgh lisa.dawson@ed.ac.uk |
Rebecca Funnell University of Bristol rebecca.funnell@bristol.ac.uk |
Timetabling | ||
Stephen Lopez Glasgow Caledonian University s.lopez@gcu.ac.uk |
Adrian Novis Swansea University a.c.novis@swansea.ac.uk |
Ian Aylett University of Hull I.Aylett@Hull.ac.uk |
UK Visas & Immigration | ||
Simon Maller Leeds Arts University simon.maller@leeds-art.ac.uk |
Mike Byde University of Leeds M.Byde@leeds.ac.uk |
Bethan Ovens The London School of Economics and Political Science b.ovens@lse.ac.uk |
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