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Inter-institutional management of PGR programmes and funding.
Morning session (11.00am – 1.00pm - coffee available from 10.45am)
1. Introduction and Chair’s report (inc. matters arising) [10 min]
2. UKRI on research strategy and CDTs [60 min]
- Dr Kalyani Gupta, Strategy Advisor (Talent), UKRI
- Christina Turner, Joint Head of EDI and People, EPSRC
3. CDT managment [50 min]
Panel discussion:
- Dr. Karen Coopman, Director EPSRC/MRC CDT in Regenerative Medicine (Loughborough University)
- Dr. Robin Irons, Director EPSRC CDT in Resilient Decarbonised Fuel Energy Systems (Nottingham)
[Lunch and networking 1.00pm-1.30pm]
Afternoon session (1.30pm-4.00pm)
4. Working with international partners (inc. joint / dual / double awards) [45 min]
Including presentation from:
- Mary Beth Kneafsey, Postgraduate Research Strategy Manager, University of Glasgow
- Rhiannon Martyn, Head of the Graduate School, University of Warwick
5. Collaborative agreements [45 min]
Including presentation from:
- Dr Vivien Easson, Head of Postgraduate Research Service, University of East Anglia
- Dr Christian Harding, Collaborations Officer, University of St Andrews
6. Hot topics: Table discussions (topics to be invited nearer the time) [45 min]
7. Themes for future meetings [5 min]
8. Any other business and meeting closure [10 min]