- PPG May 2021
When things go wrong: PGR Appeals, Complaints, and Misconduct
MORNING SESSION 10:00 – 12:30
1. Introduction and Chair’s report (inc. matters arising) [10 min]
2. Office of the Independent Adjudicator: PGR complaints [75 min]Presentation and Q&A- - Dr Kirsty Holley, Assistant Adjudicator, OIA
- - Barry McHale, Student Liaison Officer, OIA
[Break: 10 min]
3. Experience of appeals: Exploring cases [60 min]Workshop- - Helen Jackson, PGR Assessment Manager, University of West of England
- - Alan Macmillan, Faculty Registrar, Aberystwyth University
[Lunch break 12:30 – 13:30]AFTERNOON SESSION 13:30 – 15:30
4. Assessment vs. Research misconduct [45 min]Presentation and Q&A- - Prof. Tom Stoneham, Former Dean of the Graduate Research School, University of York
[Break: 10 min]
5. Hot topics [45 min]
Break out room discussions on topics proposed by group members - topics will be requested nearer to the meeting
6. Themes for future meetings [5 min]
7. Any other business and meeting closure [10 min]
- Event: PPG May 2021
- Starts: 21 May 2021 - 10:00am
- Ends: 21 May 2021 - 3:30pm
- Venue: Online - link will be circulated to those who book a place
- open
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